토픽 「재일 조선인 1세들은 전쟁이 끝나면 쓰레기와 같이 버려졌다」
토픽 「재일 조선인 1세들은 전쟁이 끝나면 쓰레기와 같이 버려졌다」
전부터 일한 병합에 대하여 문구 말하고 온 조선 민족이지만, 최근 이와 같은 진설이 나오고 있다. 당시 일본인이였던 그들은, 패전국민이 되고 싶지는 않은 일심으로 전승국민을 자칭했지만, 어메리커등의 연합국군에 일소되고, 거부된 경위가 있다. 그리고 스스로, 진주군으로써 일본에서 행동하기 위해서, 전승국에서도 패전국에서도 없는, 「삼국인」이라고 자칭했다. 례에 따라 그 당시 자칭 하고 있었던 「삼국인」은 차별 용어로써 그들 자신이 규탄 하고 있는 ····.
A topic "the 1st [ Korean-resident-in-Japan ] generation was deserted like garbage, after war ended"
A topic "the 1st [ Korean-resident-in-Japan ] generation was deserted like garbage, after war ended"
From sometime past, although a complaint word is the Korean race which came, such ridiculous opinion has recently come out the thing of Japanese Annexation of Korea.
Although they who were Japanese those days declared themselves victorious nation people by one mind which does not want to become defeated nation people, it is laughed away by American allied forces and there are refused circumstances. And in order to act as the Occupation Forces oneself in Japan, the "people from third countries" who is not even in a victorious nation or a defeated nation was called. They themselves have impeached the "people from third countries" who was calling themselves by the example then as a discriminatory term ....
Evil of mass communications
Recently, a parasitic egg is found in a South Korean kimchi, and it is making a great uproar.
But there was an incident which was alike also in June, 2004.
The garbage which should be dumped into the Chinese meat dumpling which South Korea is making for Japan or the United States was indistinguishable.
Like that time, while mass communications refrain from a report by the present progressive form this time also, it says, "Immunity power is attached on the contrary" etc., and calming is attained.
on O-157 which became a big issue in Japan, and the beef problem which serves as a pending issue among the present Japan and the U.S., in spite of instigating that, it comes out.
There is still the same case.
The unhappy accident in which the submarine of the US Navy sank the ship of a Japanese school in some years ago and the offing of Hawaii occurred.
Although it was an accident unhappy to be sure, it is concluded that the United States side coped with it in good faith.
But mass communications instigated.
And the incident of a South Korean hovering vessel making a Japanese civilian recently injured and killed on violation of territorial waters of Japan arose.
It was just arbitrary.
They collide with the ship of Japan Coast Guard, and criminal investigation was also blocked or they are.
However, they were not telecast.
From the above occurrence, it can be declared that mass communications of Japan etc. cannot be trusted at all.
Match pump
There is an act called match pump in the network of Japan.
It is an act near acting in a play of its own writing, and is the completely opposite cowardly act of Bushido.
It is spreading in a surprising thing at mass communications of Japan.
The newspaper publishing company (Asahi Shimbun Publishing) in Japan influenced by the specific race requests the local branches of the newspaper publishing company of an overseas in its site, and it is that technique which is the opinion of the third country surely about the opinion of it and of which it makes a show like.
If this means is not exposed, it is surely an effective artifice.
If it investigates to a surprising thing and the anti-japan in the third country will be seen to it, it is backed up by specific Asia (China, South Korea, North Korea) altogether.
The mass communications and the network of Japan
When it was China, South Korea, and "specific Asia" in North Korea, it described above having complained about a custom of Japan.
It seems that the politician is also aware of his it to the latest Japan.
Foreign Minister Aso newly inaugurated as the Foreign Minister through the Lower House election "only in China and South Korea, complaining to Yasukuni Jinja is in the world. There is almost nothing that was said from others. It was declared that Japan was isolated, it was not liked or you did not need to care about an anyhow good thing."
A time changes.
if it will be a front for about ten years and this remark is made -- a head -- it is certain.
However, a Japanese elector understands.
Although mass communications of Japan say a thing of Japan bad, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square Incident, the Tibet invasion, the Turkestan invasion, and the Taiwan extortion can never be touched.
Also about the gas oil rice field in the territorial waters in Japan, not to mention it, the direction of the network rose and the heavy waist of mass communications went up at last.
The passing shot of the Liberal Democratic Party by mass communications of Japan and Prime Minister Koizumi was such a severe state before the general election on September 11 that an example is not seen. But, the Japanese elector was not deceived.
Diplomatically, mass communications have said that this election was an election which asks the right or wrong of privatization of the postal service.
But the side which is different as an elector is in sight of me. By a double manifesto, the Democratic Party declares sovereignty abandonment of Okinawa and tried to deceive people.
And enactment of the "voting rights for non-Japanese" and the "protection-of-human-rights method" which only a specific organization protects and enables arbitrary employment which is perfect unconstitutionality was planned.
It is necessary to explain a protection-of-human-rights method.
Many North Koreans who have called themselves in compulsive taking exist in Japan.
The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations is attached to an ally, and they have been premised on the myth that forcible taking was carried out.
The inspector general of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights declared to Japan that there is discrimination by Japanese stay on several [ only ].
"But I want you to wait. It is a line to return to its own country, if forcible taking has been carried out.
Korea was made to carry out an original return altogether by the command of GHQ.
Now, the Korean resident in Japan who is in Japan is a coward which has escaped by the Korean War. I hear whether have fulfilled the duty of the draft even to the South Korean of its native country. Isn't it disliked? "
Such tone of argument has been spreading in the network recently.
In order to block those tone of argument, they to whom its justification for existence became dangerous after abduction disclosure conspired with the Japanese cooperator, and planned enactment of the protection-of-human-rights method.
Of course, we who respect speech freedom have made those ambition suffer a setback entirely.
And that is right from now on.
The power of the electors, we, was able to be improved anew.
Since the Japanese elector made the Liberal Democratic Party overwhelm in spite of the passing shot of mass communications.
Mass communications hold a sense of crisis in the network of those Japan according to their speech.
The wrong thing which is "spread [ nationalism of Japan / beginning ]" Stopped diplomatically and which comes out is made known. While becoming intently blind [ to the reality of China, South Korea, and North Korea ] also humorously ...
특정 아시아 - 한국
특정 아시아 - 한국
【칼럼】일본 아지어에 돌아 가라
한마디로 말하면, 전후 60년 이상 경과 하고, 조약등을 맺어서 서로의 청구권을 포기 한 것에도 관계되지 않고, 아직도, 당시의 사죄와 배상을 요구해 오는 이 나라들에 실망 했다고 말해도 과언이 아니다. 이하의 글은 한국의 신문의 견해이며, 무척 일미 동맹이 마음에 들지 않을것 같다. 하고 구슬에 꼽히고 있는 후쿠자와 유키치는 당시, 조선 반도에 교육을 가져오려고 노력 했지만, 지나친 민도의 저조에 절망된 경위가 있다. 그리고 약 100년 이상 경희롱이지만, 그들은 전혀 변하지 않았다. 결과적으로 지금의 일본인들은 그것을 받아서, 후쿠자와 유키치는 옳았다는 결론에 일렀다.
고이즈미 수상은 미국의 애완동물이라고 말하는 조롱을 받을 수록, 친미적이다. 한마디로 강자 에 약하게, 약자에게 강 있고 천한 자세이다. 일본이 아시아을 떠나서 서양을 배회 하는 동안, 아시아에서 일본의 거처는 줄수 밖에 없다. 중국의 호 비단 도 국가 주석은, 고이즈미 수상의 야스쿠니진쟈 참배 이후, 고이즈미 수상을 전혀 상대로 하지 않는다. 한국은 필요한 경우에 만 수뇌와 외무장관을 만난다는 입장이다. 정경 분리에 따라서 외교적인 대립이 경제적인 거래에는 큰 영향을 주지 않는다 고 해도, 국제관계로 경제가 전부가 아니다.
일본은 아시아 국가로써의 아이덴티티를 되찾을 때이다. 글로벌 시대에 구미에서 떠나는 것은 있을 수 없다. 그러나 일본이 시대 착오적인 후쿠자와 신앙에 묶어져서 아시아를 버리면, 높은 대가를 지불하는 햇빛이 올 것이다.
포인트는 그들이 말하는 아시아란, 중국, 한국, 북한에 대한 것이다. 그들은 자기들의 의견을 필시 아시아의 온지역이 말하고 있는 것 처럼 위장 한다. 반일을 주창하고 있는 나라, 정국 참배에 문구 말하고 있는 나라는 그들 밖에 없는 것이다.
글 yasuzaki-ueha
Asie Corée du Sud spécifique--[une colonne]--Japon--Il peut retourner à Asie.
Asie Corée du Sud spécifique--[une colonne]--Japon--Il peut retourner à Asie.
Lorsque dire à un mot, malgré 60 années ou plus qui est passé après la guerre, en ayant contracté le traité etc. et ayant abandonné la demande mutuelle, ce n'est pas une exagération bien qu'il ait été déçu à ces pays qui demandent même maintenant des excuses de ces jours et compensation. Il paraît que les phrases suivantes sont les vues d'un Coréen du sud journal, et n'est pas très content avec un Japon-U.S. alliance. bien qu'il ait essayé difficilement lorsque Yukichi Fukuzawa a fait actuellement une victime apporterait l'éducation de Péninsule coréenne ces jours--trop de personnes--il y a des circonstances qui ont désespéré du faible élévation du degré. Et bien que ce fût la raison approximativement 100 années ou plus était passé, ils n'ont pas changé à tout. Le présent japonais a résulté en la conclusion que Yukichi Fukuzawa était juste, en réponse à lui en conséquence.
Il est pour-américain sentiment-comme, afin que Premier ministre Koizumi reçoive le ridicule a appelé un animal familier américain. C'est faible à un fort homme à un mot, et force au faible. C'est et est une basse attitude. Pendant que le Japon quitte l'Asie et divague au sujet de l'Ouest, partagez un logement au Japon n'a aucun choix mais diminuer dans le nombre. PRC chinois Président Hu Jintao ne fait pas Perfection Ministre Koizumi un partenaire à tout après la visite de Premier ministre Koizumi à Temple Yasukuni. La Corée du Sud est la place de rencontrer une tête et un ministre des affaires étrangères, seulement quand a exigé. Une confrontation diplomate d'après séparation de problèmes politiques et économes Aussi bien qu'il dise qu'il n'a pas grande influence sur les relations économes, l'économie n'est pas tout dans les relations internationales. Le Japon est un temps de regagner l'identité comme un état d'Asie. Il ne peut pas à l'écart de l'Ouest dans le temps global. Cependant, si le Japon est lié par l'anachronique foi Fukuzawa et abandonne l'Asie, le jour qui paie une haute contre-valeur viendra.
Asie où ils disent que le point est la Chine, la Corée du Sud et la Corée du Nord. Ils camouflent comme si toutes les régions en Asie avaient exprimé sûrement l'opinion d'eux. Seulement ils sont dans le pays qui a récité l'anti-jour, et le pays qu'un mot de la plainte exige pour une visite à Temple Yasukuni.
Specific Asia South Korea
specific Asia South Korea -- [a column] -- Japan -- It can return to Asia.
When saying at a word, in spite of 60 years' or more having passed after the war, having contracted the treaty etc. and having abandoned the mutual claim, it is not an overstatement although it was disappointed at these countries that ask for an apology of those days and compensation even now. It seems that the following sentences are the views of a South Korean newspaper, and are not very pleased with a Japan-U.S. alliance. although it tried hard when Yukichi Fukuzawa currently made a victim would bring the Korean Peninsula education those days -- too much people -- there are circumstances which despaired of the lowness of the degree. And although it was the reason about 100 years or more had passed, they did not change at all. The present Japanese resulted in the conclusion that Yukichi Fukuzawa was right, in response to it as a result.
He is pro-American sentiment-like, so that Prime Minister Koizumi receives ridicule called an American pet. It is weak to a strong man at a word, and strength to the weak. It is and is a low posture. While Japan leaves Asia and wanders about the West, room in Japan has no choice but to decrease in number. Chinese PRC President Hu Jintao does not make Prime Minister Koizumi a partner at all after Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine. South Korea is the position of meeting a head and a foreign minister, only when required. A diplomatic confrontation according to separation of political and economical problems Also although it says that it does not have big influence on economical dealings, economy is not all in international relations.
Japan is a time of regaining the identity as an Asia state. It cannot separate from the West in the global time. However, if Japan is bound by the anachronistic Fukuzawa faith and forsakes Asia, the day which pays a high countervalue will come.
Asia where they say the point is China, South Korea, and North Korea.
They camouflage as if all the areas in Asia had expressed the opinion of them surely.
Only they are in the country which has recited the anti-day, and the country which a complaint word requires for a visit to Yasukuni Shrine.
Sentence yasuzaki-ueha